I am convinced that my oldest daughter has a second stomach. (quite possibly a third) Now this dear child can eat like a horse, an elephant, and even more astonishing...she can eat more than her older brother. You probably think that her figure resembles that of the award winning great pumpkin at the county fair or that she quite possibly has the belly of a champion sumo wrestler, but you would be incorrect.
This girl has the looks and figure of a model. She is the type of girl that belongs on the cover of Teen magazine, the type that can wear a sack and make everyone want one, the type that makes everyone look twice........at what's on her plate.
For a child that refused to eat anything but small strands of spaghetti for 3 years, you would never know it now. Forget the old standby McDonalds Kids Meal, she is on to Big Macs (Plural). Pizza Hut's Personal Pan Pizza? Nope. I may as well order enough for 2...with breadsticks and dessert. Heaven forbid that anyone mentions Greek Food. Her eyes light up like it's Christmas as she knocks everyone over on her way out the door to the car. And just try and whisper the word..buffet. It can send her into a giggling frenzy of delight.
She must have mondo metabolism...like I once had. My parents used to call me "the stick." On my work breaks at age 17 I could devour an entire foot long lemon danish in 10 minutes flat. I could eat Snickers bars every night, stuff myself silly with cheeses, ice cream, and fancy breads. And now? I'm just jealous. I can't even look at a Snickers bar without popping a button. So while I'm sipping Diet Coke and nibbling a head of lettuce like a rabbit...my sweet daughter is licking her plate (much better than our dog does) after her second or third helping of fettucini, applesauce, and sour cream and onion doused cucumbers. While I'm clearing the table...she is adding a plate of cheesecake. When I'm daring to have an after dinner coffee...she's luring her brother out for ice cream.
One day I tell you...she will lose her secret stomach...or it will suddenly swing forward like a hidden innertube. But for today..well, shes having a sleepover...(Imagine TWO really hungry, giggly girls).. and this means an emergency trip to Food Lion. I wonder if I should just go to Costco and buy in bulk?
Well, I'm off to have lunch first...water and a Mentos...sigh