No, those sounds are not coming from my bowl of Rice Krispies.
They are coming from me..every morning after I get out of bed. Ridiculous isn't it?
My Tempur Pedic mattress sure sucks.
But that's not really my point here. It's more the fact that I'm getting older..and quite aware of it.
Just this morning I merely leaned over to pick up two empty planters and BAM...the pain that shot down my back was absolutely one hideous bolt of hell. (I'm lying on my sofa waiting for my Advil to kick in as I type) Just last week I was playing some silly Facebook farming game, clicking away at my crops..only to wake up the next morning with something akin to tennis elbow. Who would have thought cyber picking a few fields of wheat would do me in?
Now it's nearing the end of March..real life planting time soon. At this rate after one day of digging Ill end up in traction. If I cant handle Farm Town what are my chances in my own yard?
Still, that is not my immediate problem. In about 32 minutes my dear hubby will be arriving home. It's our anniversary you see. We have been planning a quiet night out for weeks. Little does he know I'm going to need another Advil just to make it to the car. I dread attempting to get changed and gussied up. And my black high heels? Ugh. Wish I could wear flip flops. Just how I'm going to manage a lovely transformation from blobby, aching, gardening mom to stylish, attractive, wife I just don't know.
Clock is ticking..back is is limp...feet hurt. I really need help..a stylist or two..or three. I wonder if my 9 year old can manage my hair? Wonder if my son can give me a piggy back ride up the stairs? Maybe daughter number two can do my make up...although I might come out looking like scary goth eyeliner chick..with moussed up freak hair, an easy to slip into loose shirt, and white tennis shoes in the end. Gosh, I just scared myself.
Time to face the music, shove my belly poof into some high waisted jeans and build a back brace out of a few spare tree branches so I can sit up straight without wincing in pain.
It sucks to get older