Sometimes I get "the look" when I respond to the question, "Where do you work?"
I work at home, full time, as a wife and a mother." I get the impression that most of the time people either feel sorry for me or think that I'm lazy. First of all being a full time mom is the farthest thing from being lazy. It is a 24 hour position, on call at all times, all holidays, 365 days per year. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. This "job" of mine is the most fulfilling, rewarding, and positive thing that I have ever experienced. I fill many roles at home..teacher, psychologist, advisor, nurse, chef, accountant, manager, secretary...and the list goes on. Heck, I am the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus all rolled into one. need to feel sorry for that "poor woman stuck at home" It's my choice and I love being with my children. As a matter of fact, I prefer them to most adults. Actually, my children's friends prefer me to most adults. I listen...I am interested. I am not off eating bonbons or getting my nails done at the spa. I am the one cheering them on at every accomplishment big or small...every baseball game, gymnastics event, dance production...or play. I am there for every tear, every rejection, fear, worry,or loss. So job is "stay at home mom" and I am darn proud of it.