So I had to dust off my neti pot. It looks like a child's tea set pot...but it isn't made for happy tea parties. The neti is made to flush your nose out like Niagara Falls. It's really rather disturbing, rather disgusting actually... but indeed it does work. My husband finds the concept rather odd, while the children are so entirely fascinated by it that they occasionally attempt to follow me to the sink to watch me tilt my head sideways and attempt to magically drain my sinuses while drenching half my face in mucous.
If I'm not pouring salt water into my head I'm usually sitting around with Kleenex smeared in Vicks Vapo Rub shoved up my nose (My husband finds this look quite fetching)
I know I must be really quite ill because I don't want chocolate. I don't want anything but tea (which I actually hate) I found absolutely no joy in the McDonald's french fries my son brought me last night...zero happiness in the cup of ice cream that his beautiful girlfriend bought me...and no pleasure from finding a Cadbury egg hidden in my sock drawer. I didn't even care who went home on American Idol. I am a sad, diseased blob.. hugging a stuffed llama and sadly looking forward to my next nasal tsunami.
At least I have minty flavored Tylenol for my headache...ginger for my tummy ache...and something that I cannot pronounce for my cough. But best of all I have my neti pot. Hmm, I wonder if taping the garden hose to my nose would be more efficient? Bleah