I haven't posted in a bit...mainly because I could not find my way out to. I have been packing, sorting, throwing, taping, and moving boxes. Yes, we have decided to take that big step again...time to move house!
It's a real mixture of emotions..selling and buying. You look around and see all the hard work your hubby has done, the decorating it took time to accomplish...the little reminders of memories that you will be leaving behind. Yet..you look forward to a new place, a new challenge, new people..areas...and its a little thrill...well, until you realize what you have to pack to get there.
Who knew that one could gather so much useless junk? Some of this stuff I've been carting around for 20 years, and thus it is time to get brutal. Sometimes I just stare at a closet and get exhausted. Other times I need to take a break before I start. Most days I'm filled with anxiety on whether or not the phone will ring with some potential buyer. No wonder hubby and I can't sleep. I wake up more tired then I was when I went to bed. My house smells of Windex and Lysol...I have little Glade fresheners in my closets, bleach tablets in every toilet...my fingers are numb from scrubbing...wiping...washing. My right elbow is in rebellion from it's work out with the paint roller. My feet ache from running up and down the stairs with the vacuum. The dogs are stuck to the floor in puddles of wax. I think I may have even put my youngest in the closet just in the hopes of keeping her room tidy. My carpets are clean, the walls are spotless and the appliances gleaming. We have packed and piled more boxes then I am willing to count into some storage container that a very decent man with a giant lift took away. (I hope they don't lose it) Now..I just wait. Now..I am impatient. Now, I fear that the minute I put something like fish or cabbage on for dinner people will want to visit. I fear that the dogs will vomit on my white carpet at the first sign of a potential buyer...the children will decide to revisit their pasts and drag out all 1000 pieces of Lego or headless Barbies. I can't think about it..instead I will scour the internet's MLS listings...staring at countless virtual tours and promises of paradise found. I will undoubtedly give myself more stress wondering if house A is right because it has a bigger yard..or house B because it has no yard. Then there will be house C...with a screen porch...or house D...with a deck.
House E has a fence..whereas house F has a pond. House G is in the woods, H is in the city, I is on a farm. Obviously, I could go on. Deluxe master bath. What does that mean exactly? A bidet? What is glorious closet space? An airy atmosphere? These agents should be writers...fictional. Have you ever visited a "wonderful country setting" that consisted of a small house jammed between 2 others...with chickens? Agh...the selling is stressful...the buying is stressful. I need a break...some lemonade maybe...but I can't find my pitcher. I cant even find the lemonade. Forget it, I'll go out. Come to think of it ..where are my keys?....