Six years ago my little girl had the first major crush of her life. She was 8...he was 8. It was the cutest, most innocent puppy love ever. I remember her coming in from her first day of school just absolutely gushing over this dear boy. Of course at age 8...well, I'm sure he thought she had cooties. But she was persistent, I'll give her that. As luck would have it, the neighborhood we'd just moved into was HIS neighborhood as well. Fate seemed to throw them together year after year...much to my daughter's delight. Later, I was to find out that the school teachers thought that they were so adorable together that they'd purposely put them in the same elementary class year after year.
The two kids became buddies. Although I do believe my daughter spent more time staring at this young man all starry eyed while he was much more interested in playing Super Mario. They trick or treated together...she as his princess...and he laughing at her and pulling off her wig to tell her she looked stupid. Then there were the Valentines...hers..the perfect heart..the perfect signature...and his...a scribble on a simple Ninja Turtle. Christmases came and went...and birthdays too. All the while they remained friends. My daughter had saved every bit of paper, card, or gift that he'd ever given to her.
By the time middle school came around there was new excitement...new boys AND new girls. ...and a new school. My daughter was drawn in one direction, while her young man in yet another. They'd stayed in touch though. They had seen each other through some great times and some tough times. For years they laughed together, cried together..and argued together. But always, always...they found their way back to the innocent friendship they'd built years earlier.
My daughter didn't see her young man as her shining knight anymore. She'd come to realize that they were always going to be just buddies. He was her fellow cohort..he was one of her closest friends..just like a brother in fact. Yet he...well, as fate would have it one day at a middle school dance this fellow came to realize that my daughter was indeed his princess.
So as one child gave up on the other as she matured...the other only then started to notice. Sweet irony.
Still though, they had their friendship. If one needed the other..he or she was there. It was as if nothing would ever really change. It was almost taken for granted...time passed....they would catch up with each other every few months. And then he called one day to say that his family was moving.
My daughter felt an unexpected knot in her chest. He would always be there...he had always been there...they were always going to be a few blocks walk away...not hours. It was a sad realization. I watched these two grow from 3rd to 9th grade. I watched them go from little kids to awkward teens, and now that high school was beginning it was all going to end.
A few hours ago my daughter said goodbye to him.
It's not that long of a drive away...but it isn't a jog either. No more late pizzas, video games, summer evenings, walks, or bus rides together. At least they will have their beloved texting. But will their friendship grow apart? I saw their eyes full of tears, and I cried too. Sometimes I hate change. In a way I think they had always been each others safe person....or maybe each others box full of most cherished silly memories.
I hope they never lose their connection...its a good one...its one of happy, safe, fun memories that they will no doubt keep forever.
As they hugged and waved goodbye it wasn't such a small thing. It was pretty painful...not such a little thing at all.