Maybe it was my manic dancing, my howling, or just my general grumpiness that finally got Mother Nature to back off. It was a miracle..I swear I heard tinkling angelic music (or maybe my new wind chimes) Regardless, after my last post the sun came out...it stayed out...hell, I don't even know if ever went away last night. The Weather Underground radar?...magically clear. I tell you...my complaints have pull.
So now that I whined about boats and umbrellas yesterday is it bad of me to moan about the sun being...well TOO sunny? I know, I know...I should shut up and be thankful...but it was downright blistering hot and bright today (maybe my eyes haven't adjusted to proper light yet, I dunno) Anyway it was blinding. I could hardly see my happy pinwheels spinning or my flowers blooming. But what I did see...was a big old black snake.
I was pleasantly fanning myself (swatting the mosquitoes away) and enjoying a sprinkle on my toes from the hose (it was going full blast coz I lost the sprayer) and then I was discombobulated by the glaring sun and heat and I thought I was having a vision (or possibly the beginning of a wavy black migraine ) But no...it was certainly a snake. I jumped about 5 feet in the air and faced the bugger down. It was about 2 feet away, raising its slimy head...looking like a viper. This is where you might think I would exaggerate...but I am not when I say this thing was at least 5 feet long and more then 2 inches round. (Yea, I about pooped my pants indeed) Still though..I had a mad adrenaline surge. I aimed my blasting hose with my thumb pressed over part of the end so I could wield it like a water weapon. Right between the eyes. It jumped, I yelped...then I growled and it started to slither off. I was so full of primitive defense energy that I kept growling while I chased it all the way across the lawn with my super hose.
Now I have come in and thought about how idiotic I must have looked...or how stupid I was.
If the sun wasn't out this would not have happened.
My yard is a danger.
I have to take my child to gymnastics in a bit..I'm sneaking out the side door with a pitchfork (well, barbecue fork) and I'm making a run for the jeep.
Stupid snake...if only it would have been raining...