
It's official...I have man hands.

My nails are chipped, the pink nail polish has worn away, there's grime underneath each nail, and my knuckles look swollen. This is what I get for buying and attempting to plant (in 2 days)more flowers than my gardening beds can hold. But I must admit, I am a flower maniac. A few days ago (the unfortunate incident where I took my Wrangler and failed miserably) I had just a handful of of gigantic man eating plants.(I say that because I still haven't found my husband out back since I planted) Today I have more colors and flowers then I can count. I had a glorious spend at the garden center! I had enlisted my husband, children, and visiting best friend to trail behind me like good little soldiers with a procession of red wagons while I threw everything (including an innocent passersby) into their carts. I couldn't pronounce most of what I bought..but that just made it much more exciting. Who needs Petunias when one can buy exotic plants like Bougainvilleas? I am not deluding myself here. I realize that I will probably inadvertently kill 70 percent of my haul. I am like a mad scientist when it comes to weed killer, fertilizer, and highly specialized mulch. Unfortunately, my zest usually leads to yellow leaves, root rot, or stinky soil. But for today, as I sit here sipping lemonade..looking down at my man was all worth it. (Well, until the deer jump my fence thinking they have found the neighborhood plant buffet) I did spray some horrible concoction on the leaves (it says it keeps deer away) ...but Lordy help smells like a fine combo of old garlic and crap. I think it scared the neighbors more than the deer. I used to hang bars of Irish Spring on poles to keep the animals away...but when it rained my yard looked like a bubble bath. I resorted to human hair too. They say the smell keeps the animals away. But I don't think the children liked me chasing them with scissors. I'd like to think I'm a great gardener, but I'm not. I did have cute pink gardening gloves, (that I lost) a shiny trowel, (that the mower ran over), and a fine sun hat (that was mistaken for a UFO)...but that just doesn't cut it. While my neighbors baskets will flow with flowering beauty..mine will undoubtedly flow with scraggly bits of leaves..that turn out to be weeds. I really do try though. I've read that coffee grounds and eggshells help the soil...but instead they've just helped my dog to brunch and diarrhea. I have moles too! Fascinating creatures really. Have you ever chased and stabbed at a moving mound of dirt with a pitchfork? (Or worse miss and stab your toe?) It's quite entertaining exercise, but leaves the yard looking a bit like a dirt maze. I've heard about dish soap and cayenne pepper chasing the pesky critters away...but worse, urine. I bet if I paid my son enough (or got my husband drunk enough) they might pee in a few holes for me. Still, I have some hope for a bit of a better garden this year. The nice old man that sold me various poisons at Ace Hardware guaranteed it...and gave me free popcorn to boot. (I hope that isn't what's causing the rash on my hand...the poisons, not the popcorn) I did wear some sort of aged farmer gloves so I should have been protected...but then again those gloves have been sitting in an old cardboard box under the fire ant killer for over 3 years. Come to think of it... the last owners of the house left them there. (I hope this isn't that horrible flesh eating disease) Come to think of it my hands look worse than man hands. They look like blotchy, ugly, OLD man hands. Sorry..have to run. I'm off to lotion up and paint my stubby nail bits before I frighten my husband away...well, if I can find him out back...somewhere beyond the shrubs, behind the melon plants, across the stream, around the vines, and under the shade of the leafy, killer, pointed plants with no name.

My husband had sent me this picture from his Blackberry. I was confused.
I thought he was in Vegas...but this looked like Paris.
I'd wondered if he'd fled the country, was kidnapped, or simply wandered onto the wrong plane.
But no, this was/is Las Vegas.
It looked pretty enough...I was 3 minutes into our phone conversation... just beginning to imagine what an amazing place Vegas must be...when he told me about the hooker.
He could not manage to press ONE elevator button without getting into a situation FGS. I warned him, I told him it would happen...but nope..he didn't believe me. I KNEW I should have packed for him. He should have been wearing some old curry stained tee shirt, short checkered pants with red knee socks along with sandals...poofed his pineapple hair up...spoke with a lisp. But no. He had to go and be presentable, well spoken, and the wrong person.
As soon as the tart uttered "Hey sexy" he should have just ran. But no...he's much too proper and British about it. I guess he was in disbelief...standing there blubbering excuses about how late it thank you. NO THANK YOU? He should have waved his wedding ring in her face and walked away...commenting on the fact that his wife was a pro wrestler, karate champion, or the daughter of a mafia don. Any of those excuses would have pleased me more.
To think I was worried about him when he managed to spill the contents of his suitcase across the airport lounge, lose his charger, misplace his ticket. He didn't believe me about the diamond g-strings, feathers (without much else)...or the abundance of boobies either. I am ever so thankful that he was more excited about his 22 ounce T bone though.
I had to give him strict instructions not to speak to any more strangers (women, actually)
In addition, if I ever were to find one trace of a feather boa in his luggage I would kill him (twice)
Stupid business trip.
Next time they best send him to Iowa...maybe a nice farm town somewhere...possibly a small village without running water....the desert even.
I already have his wardrobe picked father's fishing hat, a Mickey Mouse tee shirt, Hawaiian shorts, tye dye socks, ankle top white sneakers with grass stains, and a necklace made of walnuts. I have purchased a new, thick, black marker to help him develop a healthy uni brow (and possibly blacken out some teeth) and garlic mints to keep strangers (female) at bay.
Husband has just phoned to inform me that he is lost. Somewhere between the MGM's lobby and Parisian streets, he took a wrong turn.
Please excuse me while I go track him down with igoogle.

I thought a nice trip to the garden center would sooth my jangled nerves and cranky allergen mood. Spring planting always makes me rather giddy anyway. Thus I loaded up on antihistamines, kidnapped my daughter, and headed out....which was a mistake.

I am used to flats of flowers and baskets overflowing from the back of my car. Somehow I forgot that I now own a Wrangler. Not only that.. but dear hubby neglected to inform me that the inside of my jeep was COVERED in yellow pollen. (He decided to take all the windows out for a sunny joyride a few days back.) So there we were in a full blown pollen storm (my dear daughter and I) sneezing our way to buy some summer plants (useless antihistamines)...only to realize that once we arrived, nothing much would fit in the backseat. Oh, we tried folding it down, beating it, smashing it flat...but the seat folded and tilted at a 45 degree slope...just enough for the plants to enjoy a swift ride down...into the foot well. In the end we rigged it with boxes and purses at just the right angle to support TWO whole plants. Woopie.

Riding home in the midst of the backseat jungle (leaves in our faces, twigs in our hair) I almost forgot to swing by the grocery store for a few items. Now normally a few items would not be a problem. However, the plants had taken over the jeep. As it was I could only manage a glimpse of my daughters face as she was rammed against the side door..hidden behind foliage, in retreat from the mutant plants that seemed to have overdosed on Miracle Grow in just 3 short miles. With pollen smears on her forehead and flower petals up her nose I abandoned her in search of food.

Four small plastic bags later we were crammed into the jeep at unnatural angles, trying to figure out if I could drive home. Why don't these cars have trunks? Real trunks? Did I mention that the ridiculous trunk I did have...more like the size of a picnic basket...was filled with some fishing gear? I don't even fish FGS.

We did make it home, but I parked too close to the holly bush again and when my daughter opened the car door she was accosted by spiny leaves, lost her flip flop...and fell out. About 4 wasps chased her to my side of the car where I struggled with the mutant plants and bags.

It was all out warfare....but in the end we only lost 1 liter of orange Crush down the driveway, a pack of peppermint gum to the holly bush, and somewhere...a shoe.

My beautiful plants made it out as well...maybe short on flowers, leaves...and a few branches...but their root balls are resting safely on my porch now.

I came in the house to my son's burning toast and garlic chicken exploding in the microwave (I never knew chicken strips to be so lethal) One dog was about to vomit...while the other was eating my carpet. There was a car tire resting in the hall...UPS delivers the oddest things (read.. husband can't follow a budget) and I realized I'd forgotten to turn on the dryer yesterday...thus all our pastels smell like mold.

I'd go out back to unwind...but our grass has decided to respond to the little man that sprayed it with some blue chemical a few days back. It's growing...and growing quick. It really IS a jungle out there.

I wanted to post about a beautiful Spring day at 80+ degrees...but instead I'm posting about how my head feels like a balloon and I'm getting crankier by the minute...even though I truly am TRYING to enjoy this weather.

I get over the plague only to be bombarded with evil little pollen monsters. These evil little beings are invading my nose, lungs, and mind, to drive me crazy. I refuse to sit inside with some steamer and towel over my head on a day like this. I took an antihistamine and I'm sitting here on my deck...probably being covered in yellow pine pollen.

At least the sneezing has least my eyes aren't weeping like a faucet...or red like Ive been licking onions. My head still feels like a brick though. Even my dear Neti pot is rejecting my sinuses. I have to practically stand upside down just to drain them. I took a did nothing other than make me feel like I'd had a pot of coffee. So I am a manic, stuffy, crabby person. Even worse, I am getting angrier...for I can bite the heads off all these chocolate bunnies...but not taste them. This is cruel.

I really wish I could squirt Afrin in my nose every darn day...its like instant freedom...its miraculous!'s magic!...but it causes rebound congestion and you end up worse than before.

I made some Kool Aid...but I cant taste it. The flowers are blooming...but I can't smell them.

I'll probably end up retreating for the living room, only to be resigned to playing Super Mario 2 for the next 6 hours. This way I can curse at the TV and get all cranky at that.

Last day of Spring break and Ive spent the entire thing with a virus...and now allergies...soon to be some infection. I bet I start oozing green in no time. While everyone else is enjoying some sweet tea and a sunny walk...I guess I'll just go inside my cave, make some chicken broth..and get my steamer. Stupid pine trees.
It was bound to happen. Well, I had avoided it really quite well until my son decided to take a swig from my Coke can in the fridge without warning me. (By this point he had already caught the family plague) I wanted to scream at him (but I had lost my voice) I wanted to chase him and smack him repeatedly with my pillows (but I was too tired) I wanted some Afrin nasal spray (but he used the last of it)
So I had to dust off my neti pot. It looks like a child's tea set pot...but it isn't made for happy tea parties. The neti is made to flush your nose out like Niagara Falls. It's really rather disturbing, rather disgusting actually... but indeed it does work. My husband finds the concept rather odd, while the children are so entirely fascinated by it that they occasionally attempt to follow me to the sink to watch me tilt my head sideways and attempt to magically drain my sinuses while drenching half my face in mucous.

If I'm not pouring salt water into my head I'm usually sitting around with Kleenex smeared in Vicks Vapo Rub shoved up my nose (My husband finds this look quite fetching)

I know I must be really quite ill because I don't want chocolate. I don't want anything but tea (which I actually hate) I found absolutely no joy in the McDonald's french fries my son brought me last happiness in the cup of ice cream that his beautiful girlfriend bought me...and no pleasure from finding a Cadbury egg hidden in my sock drawer. I didn't even care who went home on American Idol. I am a sad, diseased blob.. hugging a stuffed llama and sadly looking forward to my next nasal tsunami.

At least I have minty flavored Tylenol for my headache...ginger for my tummy ache...and something that I cannot pronounce for my cough. But best of all I have my neti pot. Hmm, I wonder if taping the garden hose to my nose would be more efficient? Bleah