When I was 18 years old I had this horrific flight to Orlando. Somewhere 40,000 feet or so above Atlanta we hit an air pocket. The plane did this sort of nosedive. Beverages were flying up into our faces, people began screaming, and I started praying real hard. It wasn't the normal sort of gentle airplane turbulence...the kind that can lull you to sleep or make you believe that you are actually just cruising along an old desert highway. This was "Oh, holy heck..I'm about to become a statistic..the 1 in approximately 10 million that could die in an airline crash.
Obviously, that didn't happen, but I spent the entire Disney trip worrying about the flight back home. It took me 17 years to get on another plane after that.
As I get older, the fear gets worse. Even though I have had a few wonderful flights, I'm always the white knuckled traveler..the one sweating before I board..downing Xanax to keep myself from panicking mid flight..memorizing all the emergency exits...
I hate feeling that way, but I just can't seem to shake it. I chalk it up to my anxiety. It magnifies everything. What a crappy disorder to have.
My dear husband has been trying to wisk me off to Bermuda (Gee great, besides flying I have to worry about disappearing in the Bermuda triangle) I'm like that...a HUGE worry wort. I swear I am so envious of people that live life without a care. I have to plan everything...carefully.
It's easy to research the resorts, the attractions, the travel fares...but actually booking it? Hahahaha! I go numb, my eyes water, my mouth gets dry, a wave of lightheadedness passes over me. I am honestly that frightened of flying again.
Yep, I've read up on all the safety specs... I know the chances of air disaster, terrorism, or a flock of geese being sucked through an engine. Still...I always figure I could be that one case...the one that ends up on a plane lost somewhere over the Atlantic, being tossed like a rag doll in extreme turbulence, wishing I had a parachute.
I've even been in the simulated flights...no help.
I thought about a cruise...but no doubt I'd be the one motion sick the entire time...or doped up so much that I wouldn't remember any of it.
Maybe I should just get over to Lowes, buy a bag of sand or two and spread it across my back porch. I could get a few fake palms, a spiffy Target beach towel, some kind of blue cocktail mix with dandy miniature umbrellas, and a wading pool. Ah, that sounds so much easier.
Doesn't North Carolina have beaches to which you can drive? And resorts thereon? Problem solved! I'll mail my bill.
Yea, we do...but it's not considered a real adventure (the kids label it as disqualified as it's in our home state)
AND, it reminds us of Lake Michigan...the dunes and wild grasses. I think they want lots of palms and crystal clear water...not murky seaweed. I, therefore, am not paying you. I am looking into Myrtle Beach though. They have pretty palms and some form of Hard Rock Amusement Park. However, Im still not feeling the love for the murky water.
The water is murky in Myrtle Beach? Who woulda thunk it?
And I'm sorry, you can't decide to not pay the bill after you've already received the services. My people will be "in touch".