My husband loves sushi. I hate it.
It's that simple. Oh, it's pretty enough...lil rings of colorful neatly arranged pinwheels...sometimes with flower-like splatters of orange sauce, yellow fireworks, or creamy squiggles. Occasionally, there might be a long snake-like roll of little shrimp wrapped in seaweed or caked with snowy rice.
Although the presentation is quite appealing I still cannot bear the idea of raw fish. A few nights ago (while being held captive at the neighborhood sushi bar)..my hubby pointed out to me that some of it is in fact cooked (I brightened a bit) He said, "It tastes like chicken." (I like me some chicken) He says, "It's eel." (I turn green)
I didn't understand Dragon Rolls, Monkey Rolls, Volcanoes...I mean..WHAT is in this stuff? Upon further menu inspection I wasn't impressed. Hubby says, "Try this little cucumber wrap." Sure it looks innocent enough, but for all I knew that crunchy cucumber was disguising deep fried whale turds. So no thank you.
I ate some sort of hibachi steak and rice...I was still hungry when we left. While hubby was patting his belly, mine was growling. While he was ready to head home, I was ready to head to Food Lion for frozen pizza.
When I got home I heard the rants and raves of a host of my friends trying to convert me to the ways of sushi heaven. I'm still not buying it. Even the salads frightened me. (The ginger dressing was a surprisingly odd taste) (The spicy mayo made my left eye twitch)
Maybe I just didnt know what to order, was rushed (I did have to pee), was confused by steaming plates of greenery flying past my head (I have no idea what THAT stuff was)..so I decided to Google sushi. Thus I found "The Glossary of Sushi" The web page was ridiculous (as in SO much info) It was quite colorful though...and the pictures lured me to read on...but I tell you, words like ama-ebi, aoyagi, and beni shoga had me downright confused. At least a name with something like "California rolls" or "Philadelphia rolls" in it, I can relate to. (Well, until I find out it involves crab sticks and seaweed along with raw salmon and cream cheese)
I'm just not hip, not cool, not sophisticated enough I suppose.
Just take me out for some KFC
At least I understand the menu.
Mmmmmm....... I'm jonesing for some Japanese food. We sometimes hit the House of Kobe in M'ville (remember that place?) and grab a grill-side seat for the "floor show". Great stuff, but I skip the sushi. Not because I don't like it (I do), but because I'm completely baffled by it. I was with my sister and bro-in-law once, and THEY understand it, so I had some then. I'd even eat eel.
You would not do well on Survivor. I would rock.
No Survivor for me, just drop me off at a 5 star resort. I watch Man Vs Wild and leave the TV nauseated by his beetle munching, scorpion chomping ways as it is. He makes the sushi look good to me...but no, I still can't bring myself to eat it. House of Kobi is still there? Wow. I like the atmosphere of these restaurants...but the food totally freaks me out.
The original House of Kobe is in Schererville, and that's still there of course. Do you remember the Shakey's on Broadway right by Century Mall? That's now another House of Kobe, and the one we usually go to. And it's right next door to White Castle. Mmmmm.......
White Castle I can do!
My memory of Shakey's has to do with some sort of baked potato skins and a small buffet bar. I can't recall their pizza, or even the building...just the Friday night buffet....pitiful.
I really should stay away from sushi joints..I can't even master chop sticks.