I know how strange that title sounds, but quite a few years back I was a regular poster on the official American Idol Forum...and yes, I really was called "The Music Gnome" I had a crazy weekly following. People from everywhere picked up on my first thread, and I ended up with an extraordinary group of followers. To say that it sometimes got intense would be an understatement. These Idol fans were absolutely and completely devoted to their top picks, and heaven help anyone that is less then complimentary about their beloved. I had decided to gather opinions from various family members, friends, and fellow idol watchers because my opinion alone would get me a right bashing....and a nasty headache. (You can't please everyone) In the end, one season of it all was more then enough...so I retired my idol keyboard and went underground.
However, I can't help but laugh, cry, scream, or snort in disbelief at this years crop of contestants. As itchy as my fingers are to lead me back to the bun-fights and adolescent drama of the forums, it really isn't worth the cost of more Tylenol...so I'm going to post my thoughts from the sofa...right here.
Short and simple...this is a synopsis posting of various opinions....not just my own. And BTW if anyone thinks that it is so easy standing there faced with a crowd full of people eyeing you down while your only weapon is a microphone...it isn't. (I remember)
So....WHO goes home tonight?
1. Aaron Kelly...Potentially a great young country voice. He seems to annoy the males in my household, while the females are split. He sang well this week, but he's not quite polished enough..yet.
2. Alex Lambert..His look SO reminds me of Paul McCartney. I do wish he would cut off that slab of long hair at his neckline though. I like him. His voice is unique, but he has got to lose the nerves. The opinions are mediocre from my old sofa.
3. Andrew Garcia..I don't think he can live up to Hollywood week. A lot of people thought that he was the one to watch...but eh...he isn't bringing anything new. The gang say he's becoming a bit of a bore.
4. Casey James..He's like a better looking Bucky Covington. His singing is really nice. The sofa sitters all agree he should be top 12.
5. Crystal Bowersox..VERY talented lady. However, I have heard from more then one individual that they are not so taken with her personality.
6. Didi Benami..The idol chatterbox likes her...but she is a bit shaky when up against someone like Lilly Scott..who has a similar twang.
7. Katelyn Epperley..Eh. She is forgettable...the couch potatoes were not fond of her poodle hair or performance.
8. Katie Stevens..What a powerful voice! Yet her inexperience is showing..mainly in song choice. She was also an early favorite. She has the voice...but can't master it.
9. Lacey Brown..She was on her last leg. But this week she was mesmerizing. I think it might have saved her
10. Lee Dewyze..Good rocker voice. The guys always seem to like a growler, but some of the ladies get to purring after his vocals too. They need a rocker in the top 12.
11. Lilly Scott.. I think she will go far. Very unique..seems comfortable and certain of who she is. I had heard a comment about her "scary little corn teeth" LOL but hey, each to his own.
12. Michael Lynche..Great guy. He is very like-able and has stage presence. I wasn't that moved by his song this week..but Kara sure was (maybe she was hormonal) A definite top 12 pick though
13. Paige Miles..Um no. That rendition of Smile was not good...which is a shame because I like her. Everybody seems to forget who she is.
14. Siobhan Magnus..Her name frightens me. The sofa dwellers seem annoyed yet fascinated by her. I vote top 12.
15. Tim Urban..He was good last night, which indeed might have saved him. The past weeks he has been very weak, but my guess is he gets a lot of the tween vote. Worthy of top 12..no...but lets see how many girls can dial in.
16. Todrick Hall.. The entire family got up for snacks, even the dogs left. Yet, he was very much praised last night. Maybe we were all hearing something else.
So...4 need to go. Paige, Tim, Todrick, and eh Katelyn. But who knows?
Ah, well I got Todrick and Katelyn right. I really don't agree with Alex going home, and I'm surprised that Lilly is. I thought Katie would go before Lilly. Yet with Didi and Lilly having a similar sort of voice, even though most thought Lilly was stronger, the people like Didi better. I actually did too..even though I thought Lilly was more confident on stage. But the sore spot tonight..causing great gnashing of teeth and many tears..is Alex Lambert's dismissal. Tim Urban should have gone instead...even Andrew Garcia...but Alex? The sofa sitters are not a happy group tonight.