I could make him a curry for dinner, but he's the master of Indian cooking. I'm real good at opening a jar of Patak's Tikka Masala, but he's much better at throwing random spices in a pot and producing an original fantabulous meal (sadly,one that he never recalls how to recreate)
Maybe I could buy him some beer...but wait, he likes weird stuff like Bishop's Finger, Black Sheep, Old Peculiar, and Hobgoblin. If I presented him with Budweiser...he might just cry. I can't have that...not on his new shirt, that I hope he will be wearing...that I bought for him out of love...even if he doesn't really like it.
Hmm, a picnic. The forecast says it's sunny and 70 degrees, a beautiful day, an even better evening to come...and that explains why it is actually completely cloudy, chilly and spitting large droplets of rain.
Dinner out? But where? He would be drooling over sushi (but I would be gagging) Oh, how I'd love me some of that garlic bread from that wonderful little Italian place down the road. Sounds romantic eh? (But it's in the mall...in the middle of the the food court)
Maybe we can take a romantic stroll in the woods near the house. (Surrounded by bulldozers, logs, and mud..since the city has decided to tear down a great deal of pines and flood the rest of the enchanted garden, making way for a "friendly" pedestrian path...I wouldn't be surprised if they added vending machines..ack)
Wait a minute...I have just been reminded that we already do have plans. Our youngest daughter is throwing us a wedding. Apparently we are getting remarried this evening. There will be cocktails (chocolate milk) hors d'oeuvres (pop tarts..finely sliced in quarters) and a fine dinner assortment... bologna, Cheez Its, and jello...lime...probably expired, as I recall hiding it in the back of the cupboard at least a year ago.
The bride will be wearing a fine wrap around Charmin Ultra soft gown, a Cinderella blue tiara, and be carrying a colorful bouquet of plastic purple and red posies (From the very exclusive miniature Playmobil collection) I think there is a scepter involved somehow as well...a Wizards of Waverly Place glowing green wand perhaps.
The groom will no doubt be presented in his favorite black Thundercats tee shirt, along with his comfy denims, and no shoes.
The bridal party shall wear Abercrombie and Fitch. (I just KNOW it)
The minister will no doubt be King Romo (pride of our Domo collection) with witnesses ranging from Barbie, Ken, Polly Pocket, and other fine assorted plastic or fluffy citizens of our home.
I can't wait to see where she has arranged the honeymoon.
I stopped reading your post after reading about chocolate batter because I went to go buy some :)
Awesome! I am in full support of that.
Hey, A Belated Anniversary Wishes...
After all the plans, what did u finally do...and by the by, what did ur hubby gift u...
We REALLY did have a wedding. I did indeed carry plastic posies, and we were re-married by a stuffed animal. I had a plastic headband with attached veil flapping in my face while my daughter walked before me down the hallway throwing bits of torn up paper towel acting as flower petals. My daughter was dressed in a wildly poofy hoop skirted southern belle dress (from some ancient Halloween costume)..while my other daughter wore...Abercrombie. (really) My son slept through the entire ordeal. We did not feast on pop tarts. As a last minute change..there were Hostess Ho Hos.
(Later we went out of course LOL) As for my gift..I got flowers and the keys to the Jeep I coveted. (Which is a mutual sort of gift really) (Our son did indeed take over the older car) Thank you for the best wishes!
Hey That sounds cool annvsry...uhmm..my last annvsry was a blast...I meant tht..bcoz I an my hubby dear had a blasting fight and we didnt speak for almost 2 weeks after tht...till he apologised for his beahviour on the annvsry eve...grrrrrrrr....
Mmmmm...... Hostess Ho Hos......